My early morning session was truncated because French was too curious about my fins. Calli and Dory were also but it was French’s tight circles that confirmed my early AM session was complete. I was able to get a second observation session at about 10 AM – before the second encounter group met Maury and Alita. The youngsters – Dory, Stan and Tank were very playful and curious … mostly with each other which was a nice switch from the early morning session. There was some jawing and circle swims and some white water! Chris and Dave helped me with data collection as much of the rest of our team were diving and taking the boat over to Maya Key for the picnic. The afternoon had me reviewing data and chatting with Chris about the statistics for the final pec fin paper – comparing mom’s and their calves for their pectoral fin exchanges. Neat stuff!
The early evening offered lively conversation about several topics and some laughter during dinner. Everyone has a good day and the conversation revolved around some of the different critters seen during the scuba diving today. Tomorrow is our groups’ dolphin encounter and swim.
Kathleen and the DCP Eco-tour gang!