Thursday’s boat trip included two Atlantic spotted dolphin sightings. First, we found a group of about 11 spotteds, but they were on the move. I think un-named #117, an adult female was in the group, as well as a juvenile with a small and shallow, but fresh, injury to its side. These dolphins heal so well, I won’t be surprised if it doesn’t even leave a scar…
Later in the day and farther from shore, we saw another group of spotted dolphins. This time, we were able to observe them under water. I didn’t readily match anyone to our photo-ID catalog, though several looked quite familiar, so I’m sure we’ll make some IDs once we have time to review the photos and video. Once the dolphins lost interest in us, we began the journey back to the dock, searching along the way. We didn’t come across any more on the way home, but we were all happy with the day!
Until next time,