Due to inclement weather, we were unable to venture over to Bailey’s Cay this morning for observations. We slept in and then enjoyed breakfast. After breakfast, we went to the other side of the island for a snorkel trip. The boat ride to the snorkel was bumpy but it was extremely fun because we were given the opportunity to drive the boat. The snorkel was incredible and the biodiversity was incredible which included lion fish, queen angel, trigger fish file fish and more. (Thank you, Danielle, for today’s blog photo!) The drift snorkel was also a different experience from the snorkel at Maya Cay because it dropped us off at one location and picked us up at another.
Two snorkels were initially planned but due to turbidity the guides decided to call off the second snorkel. After a refreshing shower, we sat down at lunch and discussed our thoughts about the snorkel. We enjoyed a much-needed nap and then had a discussion in maternal styles in bottlenose dolphins. Our discussion revealed that dolphin and human mothers are similar in that individuals have different parenting styles. We were able to connect the findings of the paper to anecdotes from the trainers and Kathleen. We headed over to RIMS for a presentation by Jennifer, Education Director. She gave a great talk about sea turtles and their conservation needs. Anatomy diversity evolution and conservation efforts were addressed. We all thought these topics and talk were enlightening. Sea turtles truly are living fossils.
We enjoyed a delicious and filling dinner. Gabby enjoyed hearty portions of pasta!! We finished the night by playing a rousing game of charades, while we waited for Kathleen to return from her talk to the local Rotary Club.
Hopefully the weather changes for our last full day on Roatan.
Until tomorrow,
Kathleen, Justin and the URI MMPB team