We began our Tuesday morning with the usual office work of video logs and bottlenose ID. Except, this morning we were joined by Kel! We used the joint work time to get some questions answered and to confirm some new catalogue changes. We were very excited to be making significant progress on the bottlenose pictures and we’re hoping to keep updating the catalogue. Our morning of work passed and we had our lunch, then we got ready for the boat. We settled in with the guests on the boat, and we made our way out of the marina a little after 2 o’clock. After a quick sun-baked ride to Three Sisters, we were excited to hop in the water to cool off with a snorkel stop. We saw a few cuttlefish right off the boat and continued to explore the reef. We saw the usual, yet always interesting, fish all around the rocks and a yellow stingray also made an appearance. The guests enjoyed the hour of exploration and casual swim. We boarded the boat and made our way to search for dolphins. As we looked and looked all day, without any luck, we headed towards home. On the way a rather large raincloud was coming over the island and right towards us. We tried to evade it but instead of getting too off course we decided to wait out the rain. This allowed for us to have a nice swim break and we got to practice our free-diving in the 30 foot waters. While we got back aboard, and got rained on a little bit, we continued our quest to find dolphins. When the rain passed, an amazingly perfect rainbow appeared over the island. Then, right under the rainbow, we finally saw our first dolphins of the day! Unfortunately, they only surfaced a couple of times and then disappeared in the deep. While we didn’t get to see much of them, it was a very magical sight to see them appear directly under the rainbow. Then we continued on our way home. We returned to the dock and everyone parted ways. After an amazing first two days, the guests weren’t too discouraged by the lack of dolphins today. Everyone is already looking forward to our very busy day tomorrow!
Until tomorrow,
The Trio