Well, on Wednesday Nicole and Kel were both able to join Bimini Adventures’ boat trip, and everyone was hopeful we there would calmer seas and more dolphins. The day started out strong, with a large school of spotted eagle rays not far from the harbor entrance. Everyone got a good look at these graceful critters from the boat. We then continued on and the students were able to snorkel at “3 Sisters,” with the biggest sister nicely tucked in the lee of the Bimini.
With optimism we then headed beyond the island, but the seas continued to be rough. The good thing is that the students are all getting used to the wavy conditions! The bad news is that although we never gave up hope, there were once again no dolphins to be found.
Tomorrow is a day off the boat for us, but we’ll be back at it again on Friday!
Until then,
Nicole & Kel