RIMS 2016 – field session/course with St. Mary’s U.

Dixie, the mini Seabeagle, wanted to pack her toys and treats into my bags for my upcoming trip to Roatan. Alas, she’ll stay home with John and enjoy her walks and treats here. Though not afraid of the water, Dixie prefers to keep her paws dry. She’s observant but studying the dolphins next week would mean getting wet!

Students and professors from St. Mary’s University in Texas will be joining me and DCP on Roatan from Saturday to Saturday to collect behavior and audio data on the dolphins at the Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences (RIMS). Our week is not only for data collection but also a field course for the students in animal behavior and conservation biology.

We’ll be posting updates for the next 8-10 days, as internet access allows! Stay tuned for more details about our travel, dolphin and other animal observations, and our learning process!


Kathleen (to be joined in less than 48 hrs with the St. Mary’s group)