Today the new interns, Ellyne (left) and Kali (right), arrived in Bimini! Though Kel wasn’t there to welcome them, Lauren was! Read about their first day on the rock below:
Having just spent the last month training with and assisting Kathleen at DCP’s Florida office, we were awed by the contrast of the waters surrounding the island as we flew over. Dark blues faded into brilliant teals as the shoreline approached. After settling into our new lodging, we were happy to explore the area and see what North Bimini has to offer. We biked around the upper and lower roads of Alice Town passing by sights like Dolphin House and the Bimini Museum along the way. We enjoyed swimming in the ocean at the beach. Lauren joined Kali as she started a shell collection including a nice looking conch shell. Lauren gave us a tour and showed us the ins and outs of daily life on the island. She recommended the lobster pizza at Edith’s Restaurant and we are planning to eat some pizza in the near future (though we’ll need to wait until lobster season opens again to taste that treat!). We were excited to learn that we will be able to join some boat trips this week as they were not originally on the schedule. We’re also looking forward to all the boat trips in the weeks ahead and will continue to be busy analyzing data on shore as well. So, stay tuned for all our updates!
Until then,
Kali & Ellyne (and Lauren & Kel, of course!)