Thursday was my last chance to join this year’s Hunter College crew and we certainly made it count. Departing shortly after 1500, it wasn’t until 17:32 that we first saw dolphins. We could see the splashing in the distance and when we finally reached, there were a dozen spotteds. This number grew to 26, including at least 3 calves. Under water I am sure I saw Lil’ Jess (#35) and her calf, Tina (#14), Leslie (#80), Inka (#93) and “the boys,” Split Jaw (#22), Prince William (#64) and Speedy (#78). But, I am confident that we will be able to ID even more once we review the video and still photos. The juveniles of the group were active, possibly play fighting, but by the time they swam away, we could not follow them as we were quite far from home. Everyone was pleased with the day though, so we spent the ride home chatting on the bow and reflecting on our experiences!
Until next time,