Jiggly stuffing….after bottlenose dolphins

On Wednesday morning, we had our second guest lecture, this time from Dr. Justin Gregg and on dolphin cognition. It was really interesting and we later thought about whether or not there was one thing that tells us that dolphins are highly cognitive creatures or if we have to take into account a combination of factors.

We had a passionate debate on dolphin hunt – it was a mock IWC debate, and just like the real IWC, things got pretty heated. But, we were all still friends at the end. Our boat trip departed at about 15:30 and we saw a crazy amount of flying fish and a leaping mackerel. Oh, and a headless lionfish floating on the ocean surface! On the way back to shore, we saw bottlenose dolphins, but they did not want to stay close enough for an underwater observation. We did see some synchronized swimming and wave surfing, particularly when a large yacht passed through the area. There were at least two calves in the group and one of the adults came up for a quick bowride.

We ended the day with yummy turkey dinner with “jiggly” stuffing, which had our TA in quite the giggle fit…..and since many of us just finished a course at the SharkLab, we’ll also be voting in DCP’s online poll (see right side of this screen) so that sharks can at least beat out squid!

Until next time,