On Monday morning, we were picked up by boat and chauffeured to the Coral Reef II, the Shedd Aquarium’s research vessel, to give our second talk of the month to Shedd’s High School Marine Biology program. We shared a little about DCP and the research conducted out here on Bimini with the students. Kel informed the students about the species that are found around the island, the methodology DCP uses to gather the data, and some unique facts about dolphins that they might not have known before! The interns were even able to share a little bit about their experiences, both educational and professional, that led them to DCP and their current career path. Hopefully the information will help the students with determining their own future career goals, scientific or otherwise. Some of the students were even able to pose for a photo op with one of DCP’s beloved mobile/video acoustic arrays (or more easily abbreviated as MVA!) which is how we record most of our dolphin footage here on Bimini. Similar to the group we talked with last week, these students were very interactive and asked a lot of questions, and we greatly appreciated the time they gave and the interest they showed in wanting to learn more about DCP’s research. Many thanks to the students, teachers, captain and crew on the Coral Reef II!
Until next time,
Brittany, Alexis, and Kel