A spotted-filled day!

Tuesday’s dolphin trip was filled with Atlantic spotted dolphins. The different dolphin groups all seemed to be traveling in a southerly direction, but some were more focused on this travel than others! That was the case with our first group of spotted dolphins, including White Blotch (#29), her calf, un-named #94, Trudy (#57) and six other, unknown animals. They were really on the move! We saw our second group of dolphins shortly after. The group size began at four and grew to at least 14 animals, including Lone Star (#56) and Stefran (#82). We had a few water entries and found ourselves suddenly with a different group of dolphins! This was a younger group and included un-named #84 and 92. ID#84 is a young female who, although now independent, is the offspring of Trudy (#57) – and, DCP is now offering the chance to name #84! Click here to learn how. 

As we headed back to the dock, we saw another small group of spotted dolphins, but they were not interested in us or the boat. Two more dolphin trips this week, so stay tuned! 

Until then,
