Wednesday’s boat trip began with another round of windy weather. The guests opted to have a nice snorkel stop off the beach, where the waters were calm. As headed toward the “dolphin grounds”, we wondered if we would be lucky enough to see dolphins early, yet again….
Then, there they were! Another large group was surfing the swells. We counted at least 20 dolphins, but the sea conditions made getting an accurate count difficult. There were many calves in the group and at one point, all the calves were suddenly synchrozing porpoising. It was quite a sight! We weren’t sure if they were “running” from something, but soon they were again by the boat. We confirmed Trudy (#57), Tilly (#87) and un-named #75 and #84 were in the group.
A big thank you to all of this week’s passengers! Thursday I will prepare for the DRTs Saturday arrival. Stay tuned for daily field reports from the group!
Until then,