Hurricane Debby now a tropical storm – whew!
We had a day in port – the wind was blocked a bit by the trees and it was hard to believe that we would have a storm approaching. The morning was spent sharing the details of my array with the passengers and teaching them how to use my MVA in the pool. We practiced on each other … that is, we posed as dolphins for everyone. It was neat to see how everyone handled my array and how they swam with it. The main remark was how light it felt in the water! The afternoon brought us to the tide pools and the jetty and the beach along the shore near Xanadu resort. We are docked at the marina behind Xanadu resort. The tide was low and their were hermit crabs and a few other little fishes. We saw a moray eel skeleton – long dried in the sun. And along the jetty, in the coral rocks, were conch shells and tulip snail shells. We also saw tiles from a turtle shell. A very neat walk along the beach. Will include the trip summary tomorrow. Cheers Kathleen