No dolphins and no phone installation. We should probably just assume we won’t have a phone; that way when it is eventually hooked up, we’ll be so pleasantly surprised! Since we didn’t have any boat trips scheduled and had already logged a video, we decided to take a swim in the ocean which was perfectly calm and clear. Just as we were getting out, Kel and one of the locals on shore spotted a fin coming towards us in the water. While Kelly stayed calm, the man yelled bloody murder and Maria went running frantically out of the water. It was definitely a shark and very close, but we aren’t sure what kind it was. Later we spotted some nurse sharks from our house in the same area, but we think that the first shark may have been larger. Although the man told us the shark was heading straight for us, we’re well aware that sharks and most other sea creatures have no interest in bothering humans and that this one was probably just passing by. It did make for an interesting afternoon. Other than that, we continued to wait for the phone company which never came. More later, Kel & Maria
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