I’d like to introduce you all to Maria Baetti, DCP’s newest intern! You can read about this year’s interns in the May Dolphin Gazette. Interns will be spending approximately 3 weeks here in Bimini and approximately 6 weeks at the DCP office in Connecticut. We’re all looking forward to it! So, Maria & I met in the Ft. Lauderdale airport & after a several hour layover, headed to Bimini. We arrived without incident but unfortunately to continued windy conditions. Tomorrow it looks like we’ll get a bit of rain, but we’re hoping for the best. So, for today it was overcast & we spent the evening settling into the apartment. There is a dolphin trip scheduled for tomorrow, but we’ll see what happens. Until then, Kel & Maria
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Whether you’re a young student interested in learning more about dolphin biology, a college student looking for internship experiences working with dolphins, or a seasoned researcher hoping to connect with colleagues on topics of dolphin behavior, ecology, or cognition, you’ve come to the right place.
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