Today’s seas were rougher than we like, but out to the dolphin grounds we went! First, we stopped to snorkel at Rainbow Reef & our passengers did well in the water. Then we all made guesses as to when the dolphins would be seen. If we played by “Price Is Right” rules, I would have won (closest without going over!). I guessed 18:18 & we saw the dolphins at 18:28. It was a group of 3 animals- Lil’ Jess (#35), an adult & a young juvenile. They weren’t interested in swimming, so we just observed for about 15 minutes and then moved on. An hour later we saw a group of 4 spotteds, including White Blotch (#29) & her calf. Our passengers attempted a swim, but the dolphins did not stay to play. So, back to the dock we went! Hopefully my stitches (from having 2 teeth removed) will fall out any day now, so that we do get a good encounter, I’ll be able to snorkel with the MVA! Until then, Kel
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