Now today started the season off right

Dolphins, dolphins, dolphins, no sea lice!

Okay, so I am going to warn you all now that I am writing this while still reveling in the high that resulted from today’s boat trip. The weather was overcast, and there were plenty of dolphin fake-outs, but, shortly after 1800, we saw them! A large group (at least 15 animals) of Atlantic spotted dolphins. We were able to observe nearly everything that would be taught in “Dolphins 101.” When we came upon the dolphins, they had a school of fish nicely contained in a bait ball. Once they seemed done with that, it became evident that if we got in the water, chances were, they’d stick around. And they did just that for over twenty minutes. It was a mixed age group- three relatively small calves (maybe about 6 months old), older calves, juveniles, sub-adults and adults. We observed sexual behavior, play behavior (circle swims, jawing), bubble streams and bursts, plenty of inquisitive behavior, rubbing (including pectoral fin rubbing), and well, the list goes on. For those of you who may support DCP through our Adopt-A-Dolphin and/or Name-A-Dolphin, nearly all of them were there! After having only looked at the video briefly, I know the following dolphins were present: Finn (#09), Romeo (#10), Vincent (#11), Juliette (#12), Tina (#14), Lumpy (#17), Split Jaw (#22), Swoosh (#36), Niecey (#48), Nemo (#76), and Dolphin Dandy (#77). I’d say that’s a pretty good showing, don’t you think? And, the icing on the cake is that there were no sea lice!

    Darcie will arrive tomorrow, but probably not in time for the boat trip. As always, we’ll keep you updated!

Until later…
