A business-y sort of day

 We are still trying to organize visits to the 3 local schools to give a talk about the spotted dolphins. We’ve followed up with the principals, but everyone is still getting settled into the new school year. We have been told that they will be in touch and since they all seem quite excited about the idea, we still have hope that things will come together before we leave. For anyone who has never been to the Bahamas, the term “island time” most certainly applies. Sometimes it just takes a bit longer to get the ball rolling here. We are also working on creating a more prominent dolphin display in Bimini Undersea’s dive shop.
    As for the weather, which has been an incessant topic for the last month, things are nice, although the sea has been a bit rough the last few days. We have actual waves crashing on the beach! The weather folks in FL tell us this is due to the remnants of Ivan and the persistent little Hurricane Jeanne who is offshore.
    We’ve missed doing our phone calls to the “Dolphin Sense” program at Mystic, but we hear Justin Gregg is doing a fabulous job from his post in Europe. Good job Justin!

Until next time,