Sporadic dolphin trips phone links, and prepping for Nassau
We've had plenty of down time the past few days as the dolphin week at Bimini Undersea was cancelled last minute. So we've been keeping ourselves busy with data, adding animals to the catalog, keeping things up to date, going over video, and trying to get some good still shots of some old friends we haven't seen in a while to add to the catalog.
We've also been working with Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration on their new Immersion program featuring a live link from dolphin researchers in the field – that's us! Every day at 2 pm we call in and help out with the program, explaining dolphin behaviors as best we can and answering audience questions. We've had a few technical difficulties but for the most part it's gone really well! We've had some great questions and we're really enjoying the program.
Monday we leave for Nassau to gather some preliminary data at Dolphin Encounters on Paradise Island. We're looking forward to a completely different experience and a great opportunity for the project. The dolphins we'll be studying there are captive bottlenose dolphins – should be an interesting change from the wild dolphins we're used to searching for all afternoon here on Bimini.
Happy Bahamian Independence Day!
K, K, & D