Rest and food!

A lazy sunny day

I slept in today (that is, until 6AM) and tried to relax a bit. Being out in the field is actually quite tiring – aside from the demands of the boat trips themselves (swimming and manhandling the giant camera), I have to spend a few hours before and after the trip preparing the equipment and entering data. I was happy to relax a bit today. I bought myself some bacon and eggs for lunch – a nice contrast to last night’s meal of fish, fish and more fish. I was surprised to find myself enjoying a dish of little fish fried whole in a bread batter. Normally I try not to eat anything with the eyes still attached – I don’t like my food looking back at me when I pop it in my mouth. But when in Rome… Despite the sticker-shock that often accompanies a plate of Japanese food (e.g., fish staring back at you), it is usually the case that the food here tastes amazing! No complaints here. Although bacon and eggs is a nice departure…
I’ll probably be back on the water tomorrow if the weather holds out!