Spotted dolphins seen, but no interest.
We had our first sighting of dolphins about 3 hours after leaving port. A group of five spotted dolphins. I recognized #112 (Mia) a subadult male. I first saw him in 1994 as a calf. He has numerous spots now and is usually curious. We also identified #25, an adult male named Spade. But today, this group had no interest in us. They were surfing in the swells (each about 2-3 feet) and traveling with several other dolphins. We anchored about half way up the banks and had a peaceful night … even though it was a bit choppy. We have 7 guests (passengers) on this trip, plus John, Bill and me. Peppie is our captain again with one change. He chopped off his dread locks! We also have a new crew member, Damien. He is first mate and helps Peppie fix all manner of mechanical things. Damien is 6'6' tall … gangly but good-natured and fun. A good foyle for Peppie. Severl of our passengers are divers and all are strong swimmers. Looks to be a good week. We will keep you posted. Even the weather is predicted to cooperate with us. Cheers Kathleen