Are you all getting sick of us writing about how are plans never seem to pan out lately? ‘Cause we’re getting a little sick of telling you about it 😉 We arrived at swim camp at 9 a.m. this morning & met the other 3 instructors. Unfortunately, we were the only people there! Perhaps one week of swim camp covered most of the local kids, perhaps everyone forgot, perhaps it is too close to the start of school. But, for whatever reason, we’ve learned that July swim camp equaled success, August swim camp equaled a bust. So, it was back home for more video logging. We’re playing catch up & so far, so good. The silver lining to a lull in boat time we suppose…. The evening brought a surprise port night for the sailboat “Juliet,” where former DCP researcher Kathy DeStefano has now found a home. We were, of course, thrilled. When it was time for Kath to head back to the boat, we decided to walk her only to find frantic boat crew & dock staff scattered about the boat. It seems that somehow (or by someone) the lines became loose & with the strong east wind, the vessel was turned around, leaving her too close to another boat & with her bow sprit between dock pilings. Oh, and did we mention that this sailboat is over 100 feet long?! Turning her was quite a challenge for the group, but kudos to the crew for doing it safely & without boat or dock damage. It was a little hard to fall asleep after that! Until next time, Kel & Darcie
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