We spend a morning apart!
Today’s morning trip did go out. Kel went alone, because, after flipping a coin, Darcie was staying behind for a phone call with Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration at 13:00. It was with a group of young girls, participating in a camp at the aquarium. They were very inquisitive, bright aspiring scientists who asked many questions and kept Darcie on her toes. Darcie even got through the call without a single technical difficulty!
The trip was rough, but not dangerous. We came upon a group of ten bottlenose dolphins, including three calves, right outside the harbor. It made for a very nice swim to start the day. They were quite tolerant, even interested, in the boat and the people in the water. It was great! But, passengers decided to cut this swim short in hopes of finding spotteds to the north. So, off we went!
While we did not find any spotted dolphins, four more bottlenose made a quick stop by the boat, but that was it. The original group was still by the harbor on our return, but was already being investigated by another boat. So, back to the dock we went.
No trip tomorrow, but one has materialized for Wednesday. Can’t wait!
Until next time,
Kel and Darcie